About us

a family devoted to


Founded in 1970 by Mr. Olavo Barbosa, Exportadora Guaxupé is proud to be a Family devoted to coffee.

With a notorious growth over the years, it is today recognized worldwide.

Supported by integrity, transparency, simplicity and effectiveness, this evolution is credited to the cultivation of good relationships with its employees and partners; producers, roasters, importers, coffee shops and major coffee brands from Brazil and the world.

Exportadora Guaxupé acts as a link between Brazilian producers and importers from different countries. It has specialized services and a team prepared to guide its partners with a strong commitment to bring the producer closer to the international market, always respecting the social, environmental and commercial norms.

Currently, the second and third generations of the Barbosa family occupy strategic positions in the company.

In addition to the Exportadora Guaxupeé, the family owns coffee farms in several cities of Minas Gerais and São Paulo that produce an average of 80,000 bags of high quality coffee following the strict sustainability and compliance standards of UTZ Certified / Rainforest Alliance, CAFE Practices – Starbucks.

The Group is also the largest type A milk producer in Brazil with 60,000 liters produced daily. Its brand, the Fazenda Bela Vista Milk, created in 1987, is a national quality reference.


Exportadora Guaxupé is strategically located in an area of ​​50,000 m², in Guaxupé-MG. It has about 250 highly qualified workers operating a complete structure for transporting, receiving, storing, processing and shipping coffee. With capacity to store up to 1 million bags, it has advanced technology for cleaning and preparing the coffees by size, density and color. It has a strict monitoring system for all steps, which ensures a high quality and full traceability, from source to destination.

It also has an office in Manhaçu-MG, which enables the coffee trading in the region of Matas de Minas and in São José do Rio Pardo-SP, a city in the Middle Mogiana region.

A team of devoted professionals, specialized work with ethics and responsibility and a network of reliable partners make Exportadora Guaxupé a reference in the coffee sector, placing it among the 10 largest coffee exporters in Brazil.




São José do Rio Pardo