In compliance with Law No. 13.709/18 – General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), with the purpose of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom, intimacy, privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person, this document aims to inform the holder of personal data about the processing of their data carried out by Exportadora de Café Guaxupé Ltda., more specifically for the interaction in the form for suggestions and complaints.


Exportadora Guaxupé, in the event that the above legal text is altered or revoked in a way that directly influences the processing of personal data, will adapt to the new rules in force regarding the processing and protection of personal data.

Exportadora Guaxupé has information security programs that include security, technical and administrative measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any form of inappropriate or unlawful treatment; and makes use of systems that meet security requirements, standards of good practice and governance, the general principles of Law No. 13,709/18 – General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), and other applicable regulatory standards.

Exportadora Guaxupé will keep a record of the personal data processing operations it carries out, containing at least a description of the types of data collected, as well as the methodology and risk mitigation mechanisms adopted to guarantee the security of the information.

Exportadora Guaxupé may not use, share, commercialize or assign any other purpose to the personal data collected, other than the specific purpose for maintaining interaction with the company, under penalty of incurring any damages and penalties provided for by law.

In the event of a change of purpose for the processing of personal data covered by these Terms, Exportadora Guaxupé will inform the holder of the personal data in advance of the change, at which time, if necessary, consent will be obtained for the processing to be appropriate for the new purpose.

Exportadora Guaxupé, in the event of a breach of security to its personal data bank, and which generates the expectation of a possible security incident, as well as any security incident that has actually occurred relating to the processing and protection of personal data, which in both situations may entail a relevant risk or damage to the holders, will be obliged to notify the holder of the personal data of what has occurred, providing information as to the level of seriousness of the incident, and also what technical measures have been or are being adopted to resolve the incident.

Exportadora Guaxupé will keep the personal data collected and processed for the purpose of this Agreement in its database for a period of one year after the end of the data subject’s interaction with the company.

After a period of 1 year (one year) from the last interaction of the personal data subject, the processing of personal data carried out by Exportadora Guaxupé shall cease, at which time they shall be eliminated in their entirety from its database, except in cases where, due to legal and regulatory obligations, and/or in the cases provided for in Article 7 of Law No. 13,709/18, Exportadora Guaxupé shall keep them in order to carry out all actions related to the processing after its termination.


Exportadora Guaxupé has a communication channel,, to allow access to personal data that has been collected and is being processed for the fulfillment of actions related to maintaining interaction with the company.

This communication channel allows the holder of the personal data, in addition to confirming the existence of the processing and free access to their personal data, to request Exportadora Guaxupé to correct incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data.

Exportadora Guaxupé has a Personal Data Controller, whose identity and contact details are available on the aforementioned communication channel, who will be responsible for receiving, processing and taking action on any requests made by the holder of the personal data.


The holder of the personal data declares that he/she is aware of the rights and obligations arising from this instrument, and that his/her personal data will be processed in the manner described in this document, declaring that he/she has read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions described herein.